
“I decided to join Merit at the encouragement of my wife. She had a wonderful prior experience with the Merit team, and noticed that I was struggling with making healthy lifestyle decisions on my own. Coupled with a mild health concern directly related to my weight, it was time to swallow my pride and reach out for help from a professional team. 

Consistency and motivation from the Merit team made my weight loss journey much more productive than past attempts to change my habits. Having a weight loss plan tailored to my exact needs allowed me to see consistent results, as well as push through obstacles that came up. In the past it was too easy to run into adversity and give up. With a knowledgeable team behind me, I was able to make adjustments to my health that would mesh with my everyday life. 

It’s difficult to pick just one thing that has been the most helpful! The multitude of resources offered by the Merit team were all fundamental to my success. Weekly visits and counseling allowed me to make quick adjustments and adapt to new healthy habits. Medication helped to retrain my body’s eating patterns and cravings. Weekly dietary recommendations provided new and exciting options for my menu planning, as well as how to approach challenging situations such as dining in restaurants and while on the go. All of these tools, plus others, kept me engaged and focused on my goals. “


"No one compares to the ladies at Merit! So positive and uplifting and encouraging. If you are on the fence about joining Merit, then this comment is your push to DO IT!"


"It took me a few weeks to schedule my first appointment. If I would have known how at ease I would be during our first meeting, I wouldn't have waited so long."